To run, maintain or assist any educational or other institution for coaching, guidance, counseling or vocational training. 

• To grant individual scholarships to poor, deserving and needy students for elementary and higher education. 

• To give financial or other assistance in kind by way of distribution of books, notebooks, clothes, uniforms, to needy and poor children. 

• To assist in financial expenses of poor and needy students. 


To give interest free loan up to Rs.25,000/- to needy members for meeting the cost of medical treatment.  

To provide assistance among the CKP community in case of medical distress. 

To create awareness among the poor and indigent people about various illness and provide medical assistance. 


To create environmental awareness amongst the community.

• To undertake and organize tree plantation drives in various areas.

• To undertake any activity this will be supplemental to fulfill environmental objects.

• To undertake any activity, program, project etc. incidental to any of the above-mentioned objects of the Trust at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

Multicultural people standing together isolated flat vector illustration. Cartoon diverse characters of multinational community members. Society and public concept


To promote welfare, social cultural, charitable, health education, humanitarian, and relief activities that will protect, safeguard, improve the quality and raise the standard of human life, particularly economically weaker sections of the society, irrespective of caste, creed, race, color, sex or religion so that they may lead healthy, happy contented and dignified life. 

• To undertake projects and conduct programs which provide for social and cultural activities which promote peace and harmony in and among various communities. 

• To award and give Gaurav Puraskars to people who have dedicated their life and/or are doing work which is worth recognizing in their respective fields such as Social, religious work, arts, academic, sports etc.

• To work for noble humanity, world peace, eternal values, sustainable life, humanity, integral life by various ways, 


To create awareness about sports and all type of games and sportsmanship among the society and the sportsman in general arrange training/guidance camps, Championships/Tournaments and such other activity program for growth of sports culture and healthy life for new generation.• To get affiliated to bodies working on district, regional and national levels for promotion of the aims and object.